Useful Twilio Links
This page provides you with commonly-needed information, based on our interactions with users, from Twilio. Read on to get information on issues like error codes, invoicing, and subaccounts.
Where can I find more information on Twilio's direct invoicing billing method?
Read here for more on invoicing.
Read here for more on the CSV supplement provided for the invoicing method.
Twilio asked me for my message SID. What is this?
This message SID is not the same as the messaging service SID which you obtained during the set-up process. This is an identifier for the SMSes that you have sent out, which provides Twilio with more information about your message such as delivery status, message content, and relevant timings. It is a 34 character string that starts with “SM…” for text messages.
You can read more about it and find it here.
How can I create subaccounts for my agency?
Some agencies prefer creating subaccounts for better accountability of message sending, or for governance within departments in the agency. Find out how you can do so here.
Does Twilio store my data (e.g. recipient mobile numbers, SMS message content) anywhere?
Data Retention, as well as deletion is covered here.
Can I find out more about what Twilio error codes mean?
Yes, Twilio documents them here.
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