🔐Sending Password-Protected Emails
Send high sensitivity emails using the password-protected email feature.
To access the new feature, ensure that the password-protected checkbox is checked.
Step 1. Create a generic message in Message A text box
This is a generic message that will be delivered to the recipient's email inbox. Postman will generate the unique link called {{protectedlink}}
for you but you must include a {{protectedlink}} field as a placeholder in the generic Message A template for us to generate the link.
You should ensure that the recipient knows how to unlock the password-protected page in this message.
An example message might be: Please click on the following link {{protectedlink}} to open your private content. To open the password-protected email page, please enter the last 4 characters of your NRIC, including the letter in uppercase, followed by your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format. For example, if your NRIC is "T1234567A" and your birthdate is "13 January 2004", the 12-character password will be "567A13012004"
Step 2. Create a password-protected private message in Message B text box
This is the template for the private or secret message, which will be password-protected. The unique link generated by Postman will lead to a webpage that prompts the recipient to enter in a password and open the page to see the private and the personalised content.
Add in a new column in your CSV file call password and include passwords that the recipients would know. For example, the password can be the last four characters of NRIC and last four digits of the phone number (212A8888).
Once you have uploaded your CSV file, you will see the preview of the first recipient in your excel.
Step 3. Send yourself a test message and open the link in your browser to ensure the private or secret message is formatted correctly
To open the link from the test message, you need to know the password for the first recipient in your excel list. In the example above, the first recipient is Postman, and therefore the password to enter here is Postman's password.
Step 4. Once you are happy with the generic and private message, click send campaign
Now you are done!
Or, watch this video for a visual learning experience!
Last updated